
Recently, there has been a lot of talk in the Reiki community about the concept of “de-attuning” people. This is due to a Reiki teacher having invented a new system which requires you to be de-attuned from your previous symbols before taking on these new symbols. He states that the new method he has invented is not in harmony with the older teachings.

The question is… is this possible? Can you be de-attuneed and does it makes sense from a spiritual perspective within the system of Reiki?

Traditionally, in Mikao Usui’s time. the attunement/initiation was called a Reiju which literally translates as spiritual blessing. This name indicates that the blessing was spiritual in nature. But what does that mean, spiritual in nature?

In serious spiritual traditions, the aim is to realize your Oneness with the universe. This Oneness is your True Self which within Mikao Usui’s teachings was symbolized by the word Reiki, traditionally meaning True Self (more about that here).

As we are in reality One with the universe, then there is nothing to take away or to add because if we are One with the Universe, we are One with everything and anything.

Thus, within Mikao Usui’s teachings and within any serious spiritual practice your whole aim is to realize that you inherently have everything already within you that you need–the whole universe.

Therefore it doesn’t make any sense to be de-attuned of something because it is not in harmony with something else. Real harmony means we are in harmony with everything within the universe, good/bad, hot/cold, here/there etc.

If we feel we have to get rid of something and add something more powerful then we are coming from a dualistic viewpoint, which, in essence, is not the deepest aim of any spiritual teachings.

So, go deep inside your True Self and ask the question; does it make sense to be de-attuned or not?

(c)2014  Bronwen and Frans Stiene